Professional Mold Removal Detail in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Diana called us here at PAC Mobile Detail because her daughter’s car got completely covered in mold. And not just a little mold here and there, but literally every inch of her car was covered in mold. We had to perform two transformation interior details just to make sure every crevice was perfectly cleaned, extracted, and steamed. We also had to make sure everything was completely dry before we finished to make sure that there was no chance of moisture on the interior to mold and spread again. She informed me that this happened once before and had it done but this was by far the worst mold it had experienced. She told me they left for the summer and left the car in the garage and when they returned back home to Fayetteville the car was covered in mold again and this time way worse! We also performed odor removal to neutralize the sickening smells of mold.
Location: Fayetteville, AR
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